Youth Aikido

Self discipline, Physical fitness, Self-esteem, Confidence, Respect, Street and school awareness, Self-control, Conflict Resolution, Humility, Teamwork

About our youth class

Aikido teaches students to defend themselves by not fighting. Instead of using potentially crippling kicks or punches, the student of Aikido learns to apply various wrist locks, arm pins, and unbalancing throws. These neutralize attacks without serious injury to the attacker. Additionally, Aikido is ideal for children because the self-defense techniques which it teaches do not depend on superior size or strength. Girls and boys can practice together and participate equally in the training.

A typical children's class integrates warm-ups, basic techniques and aikido related games. Students learn how to roll and fall safely; aikido related games teach coordination, flexibility, strength and teamwork. Older children learn verbal conflict resolutions, street awareness and self defense. In addition, students will have the opportunity to practice their physical skills with the instructors and other adults students. This will help to re-enforce they are learning the proper basics and that the physical techniques work.

As students progress, they have more confidence in their ability and understanding of Aikido. Even from the moment a child starts, the practice of etiquette begins. Timeliness, uniforms, bowing, respect and attentive focus to instruction establish proper protocol. These expectations help build a sense of discipline in children. Learning falling skills and learning techniques gives children self-esteem and confidence. A Student's awareness grows by the control and execution of their own techniques. Conflict Resolution shows physical and mental boundaries and students will know how to deal with these situations on the streets or in school. Teamwork is encouraged by students working together and leadership is developed by leading stretching exercises and belt ranking. Finally, Physical fitness,conditioning and flexibility complete the character builder for a dynamic student.

Adults, when you enroll your child in Aikido, we are building a partnership to help your child learn a self-defense and grow into a fine adult. Your interest and enthusiasm for your child's participation is crucial to your child's success. We recognize the importance of your involvement and encourage you to get involved with the children's program.

There are a number of ways to get involved, but the best way is to help us teach your child the importance of Aikido. To do that we ask that you learn some the aspects of Aikido etiquette and practice. For example, making sure your child arrives to class on-time, awake and ready. Helping them learn to tie their uniform (dogi) and belts correctly. Also, Encourage them by watching classes as often is possible so you can learn a little about Aikido.

Classes for youth ages 8 and up are currently offered twice a week through the Orangevale Recreation and Parks District. For registration, call the district office at (916)988-6140.